Energy and Sustainability (E&S) AGEP Mini-Grant Application
(Supported by National Science Foundation under award number 1308200)
E&S AGEP Mini-Grant: Foster TAMUS faculty research collaborations to support Alliance wide collaboration with master’s and doctoral student researchers. The mini-grant awards are to support research conducted by an
AGEP student in coordination with faculty members in his/her field. The Mini-Grants provide seed funding to support the development of new collaborative research and/or teaching efforts.
AGEP students co-mentored by faculty from at least two Alliance institutions. These projects will be selected based on an assessment of the likelihood the projects will be self-sustaining in terms of continued funding and also have the potential to expand collaborations across the Alliance.
Selection Procedures:
Applications will be reviewed by a panel of faculty.
Application Deadline:
November 15, 2015 (multiple submissions allowed…if chosen, only one award per student in a single year)
Maximum funding $7,000
Submission Process:
Send completed application to Dr. Linda Challoo via email